How to Use the ProLog Program Updater Program (PUP)

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Periodically, DataMatrix will issue update files whether ProLog adds a new feature or fixes a bug or it is a subscription update file .  The process of installing updates is to download the appropriate update file(s) from the ProLog website, save the file(s) to a particular folder created by ProLog, run an update utility program and finally, if necessary, re-index the database that was updated.  It couldn't be simpler!  Well, for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users, not necessarily so.  The next paragraph explains a few of the reasons why we created this update utility and how to use it.

As Microsoft adds more and more security to various system folders in an attempt to thwart malicious software, it has also become more and more difficult to install update files.  The primary problem with installing update files is the Windows 7 "Virtual Store" and other security issues.  Due to this ProLog now uses the
ProLog Updater Program, otherwise known as "PUP".  To continue to install all update files issued by ProLog, including the subscription based CallMaster and QSL Route Database updates, you will need to download and install the utility program "ProLogUpdater.exe (PUP)" to your computer. Download PUP to the \Program Files\ProLog-V7 folder, right-click the file and select "Run As Administrator".  The installation process will create a Desktop icon for PUP and a special folder "C:\ProLog Update Files" on your hard drive where you will save the downloaded update files for PUP to install.  The update files include System, Help, CallMaster Database, QSL Route Database, LOTW User and IOTA files. 

System files, Help files, CallMaster files and LOTWUSER files are available from the ProLog Download page in the form of self-extracting ZIP files.  QSL Route update files are available from an FTP site and the URL is supplied when a customer subscribes to the update program.  IOTA files are available via email directly from DataMatrix.  When you download any of these files, simply save them to the "C:\ProLog Update Files" folder.  Then, using PUP, each file will be extracted and installed to the correct folder.  PUP removes the need to use the Windows Explorer and navigating to the proper folder, hence eliminating or reducing the chance of installation error.

An overview of the Update file Procedure:

1.  Exit ProLog if it is running.

2.  Download the update file(s) from the ProLog website.

3.  Save the download file(s) to the
C:\ProLog Update Files folder.

4.  Launch PUP.

5.  Select which updates you wish to install in PUP (usually this will be all updates listed) and click "

7.  After exiting PUP, a message(s) will open advising you of the particulars about the update(s) and which file(s) need to be re-indexed.

6.  Upon completion of the installation, launch ProLog and re-index any database that was updated.

Update Filename Format

Certain files, such as the ProLog executable, Prefix database, Award templates, ADIF definitions, Cabrillo definitions, Rig Control files and Map/Flag files are considered System files and will be contained in the ProLog-V7 System update file.  CallMaster, QSL Routes, IOTA, LOTWUSER  and Help file updates have their own separate update file.

Below is a list of the various types of update files and their name formats:

File Type

File Name

ProLog System Updates UD_Vnxxx.EXE
CallMaster Subscription Update UD_CMDB_yymm_n.EXE
QSL Route Subscription Update UD_QRDB_yymm.EXE
LoTW User List Updates UD_LOTW_yymm.EXE
Help File Updates UD_HELP_xxx.EXE
IOTA Updates UD_IOTA(s/n).EXE

File Name Format:

"UD" indicates it is an update file.
Vn" indicates it is an update file for ProLog stated as "V7xxx" or Prolog "V8xxx".
yymm" indicates the year and month of the Subscription file.
xxx" is the update or version number where "xxx" is a sequential number.
n" is a number from 1-6 indicating what edition of a 6 file subscription the user is downloading
(s/n)" is the Users Assigned ProLog Serial Number.

Managing Update Files with PUP

The next three sections detail the use of PUP based on various update file situations. 

No Updates to Be Installed / No Updates Previously Installed

PUP is broken down into four columns: "Update File", "Update Folder", "Update" and "ProLog Folder".  The "Update File" column identifies the type of update file.  The "Update Folder" column will display the name of any update file that has been downloaded and saved to the "\ProLog Update Files" folder adjacent to the type of update file that it is, i.e., System Update File, CallMaster D/B Update FileQSL D/B Update File, LoTW User D/B Update File, Help Update File or IOTA D/B Update File.  The "Update" column is only active when there is an update file available to transfer to the ProLog System folder and it allows you to select which files you want to transfer.  Finally, the "ProLog Folder" column will list any update files that are already resident in the ProLog System folder.  This allows you to compare file names and ensure that you are installing a newer update file.  This following image is empty and is indicative of no update files downloaded nor any previous update files having been installed.  This is what would be displayed if you ran the PUP immediately after installing a new ProLog System.

No Updates to Be Installed / Previous Updates Installed

The following image indicates there are no update files to be installed; the "Update Folder" column is empty meaning there are no files in the "\ProLog Update Files" folder.  However, there are update files listed in the "ProLog Folder" column.  Whenever update files are transferred to the ProLog System folder, upon completion of the transfer they are deleted from the "\ProLog Update Files" folder so that the "Update Folder" column will only ever contain files that have not yet been transferred.  Furthermore, the ProLog System folder will retain the latest update files and during the transfer process of newer update files, the older previous update files will be deleted so that the ProLog System folder will only ever contain the latest update files.  This is important so that you don't accidentally install an old update file.

Updates Ready to Be Installed / Updates Previously Installed

 The following image indicates there are update files ready to transfer.  In each case, the file in the "Update Folder" column is a newer file compared to the files listed in the "ProLog Folder" column.  Examine the file names in the "Update Folder" and you will see either by the sequential number or the "yymm" and sequential number that the files in the "Update Folder" are newer than the files listed in the "ProLog Folder" column, hence the updates should be installed.  Note that the "IOTA D/B Update FIle" does not contain a version or sequential number, but rather the user's serial number.  This is because IOTA updates are few and far between at this point and the update file itself is serialized for that copy of ProLog.

To install the files, click the checkbox in the "Update" column to select which file to update.  In this case, you would select all the checkboxes.  Then click the "
Apply" button.  The files will be transferred and the installation will begin automatically

Upon completion of the transfer, the new update files are deleted from the "
Update Folder" column and the older update files in the ProLog System folder are deleted.  Since these files are self-extracting WInZip files, WInZIp will take over and extract and install the various files.

Note:  After all of the update file(s) have been installed, an update related document message may be displayed. In the case of a ProLog System update file, this document will contain information about which files have been updated and why, together with any post installation instructions if further steps are required.  In the case of a database update file (D/B), the message will contain a reminder to re-index the associated database.

If you have MS-Word installed, that program will probably be utilized to display the update document information.  If not, then the WordPad program will be utilized.  A note of caution: if multiple update files have been installed, there may also be multiple MS-Word or WordPad windows displayed, one directly over the other.  You might want to move or minimize the topmost window just to make sure that there are no other document windows displayed below the topmost window